Monday, February 22, 2010

four years and one week ago...

i looked like this!!
Waiting anxiously for the baby that was growing inside me. It´s so strange to look back and think that i had never seen her, that her constant presence in my life was about to begin and i had no idea what to expect, how she looked like and what kind of personality she would be born with. A week after this photo was taken i endured the worst physical pain of my life to push her into this world of ours and oh how that experience changed me forever. Suddenly i was responsible for a little life that just wanted me, needed me. Becoming a mother did for me what years of antidepressants never did for me, it gave me peace of mind and a sense of importance, a sense of worth.

Today she is four and oh how four is great, she woke up with a smiling face and even let me do her hair and that i tell you is a rarity almost unheard of in my household. I threw her a birthday party yesterday where  her little cousins and my friends and their kids came and gave her presents and ate cake. It was a fun day.


  1. Til hamingju með daginn. Falleg ræða Maja mín í orðum og myndum. Njótið dagsins.
    PS Takk fyrir fína boðið - svo gaman að sjá öll börnin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Þín IngaSM

  2. Happy Birthday to a beautiful Princess named Isabella!! :o)~ She is so gorgeous and I totally understand how you feel **hugs big big big hugs**

  3. Til hamingju með Ísabellu elsku Maja mín, þið mæðgur eruð nátturulega bara fallegastar.

  4. :) Once again, happy belated birthday Isabella! (Wished to her on Flickr too!) :D

    Can you please give a tutorial on how you processed the 4th photo?

    Thanks! And great blog! :)

  5. thank you, but i really can not remember, it´s been a while you see ;)

