Monday, February 15, 2010

The last few day´s...

...Have mostly been spent redecorating. Who knew that i had a passion for decorating, at least not me. Now i´m obsessed, obsessed!! I have stalked design blogs like there's no tomorrow and now i am even dreaming about interior design god help me!
Anyway, today at school i had to present my idea for what will be my final project at LHI, and i found out from my teachers that i really need to narrow down my initial idea as it contains way to many aspects of stuff that really does not need to be there. So next up is a visit to to order books for my research. I think that if i´ll put my whole being into this it will be good, i mean common it has to be good, it´s my final project!! The final show is in late april so i do have some time to get it done.

here are a few photos from the last day´s....

1 comment:

  1. Vá hvað hillurnar og sófinn koma vel út, Ísa augljóslega mjög ánægð með breytingarnar. Hlakka til að sjá.
